Become a Corporate Friend

NAATSIHWP is in the process of rolling out the "Corporate Friend of NAATSIHWP" membership category for corporate partners and organisations who have demonstrated a commitment to supporting NAATSIHWP and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker profession.
Contact Person & Organisation Details
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Industry Details
Please describe the core business and priorities of your organisation
Please outline the reasons for joining NAATSIHWP as a Corporate Friend
NAATSIHWP values are consistent with those passed on to us by our ancestors: Cultural integrity, Cultural respect, The importance of connection to community, Strong leadership, Resilience and determination, Honesty and transparency, Dedication and passion, Commitment to quality workforce and service delivery, Diplomacy and sensitivity Do you agree with the NAATSIHWP Values?
Corporate Friends of NAATSIHWP commit to realising our vision,"An association, founded on the cultural and spiritual teachings of our past and present leaders, which best serves our members in their important role in achieving physical, social, cultural and emotional wellbeing for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples."and pursuing our strategic direction, "To improve understanding in the health system of the role, scope and effective deployment of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners, as a vital and valued component of a strong professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce needed to close the gap in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians." Do you agree with the NAATSIHWP Vision and Strategic Direction?
I / my organisation commits to working with or to supporting NAATSIHWP's commitment to ensuring Australia’s health care system meets the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. I understand that all membership applications will be considered by NAATSIHWP and pending the decision there may be additional requirements to finalise my application, this may include signing additional agreements as applicable. I also acknowledge that membership fees must be paid by the due date.
Other Details
Please include any additional information that might assist with your membership application